Happy New Year and New Products

To round out the holiday season and welcome the new year, StemCultures is celebrating with several new products. The product lineup at StemCultures has grown significantly, reaching new markets and supporting new science. These past few months have brought two new types of DISC devices and a new sale available for StemBeads and DISCs. Read on for more information on out new products and to celebrate the new year with us.

BDNF and GDNF DISC Devices

BDNF and GDNF DISCs are patented inert, non-degradable, biocompatible hydrogels that release defined levels of native growth factor stably into culture medium over two weeks. In the new DISC format, growth factor that is crucial to neuronal differentiation and organoid patterning is easy to add and remove. This gives scientists enhanced control of growth factor levels in their cultures. Controlled delivery and stable levels overcome the short half-life of these factors while saving researchers valuable time and resources. There are some differences between these DISCs, covering a broad spectrum of applications and uses.

Both growth factors make a positive impact on downstream applications through increasing MAP2A-positive axonal projections, enhancing dendritic arborization, and increasing Synapsin1 co-localization with MAP2A positive cortical neurons. They are able to improve the quality of cell cultures while using a lower level of growth factor compared to soluble growth factor. These products can also be used together, in Transwells, and even for 3D organoids. For more specific product information, feel free to read the BDNF DISC or GDNF DISC product information sheets. To learn more about the growth factors, read our May blog post on BDNF and GDNF.


In addition to these new products, StemCutlures also strives to make our products more accessible to our customers. In order to do this, StemCultures recently began creating bundle deals for commonly combined growth factors. Our common StemBeads combinations, namely BDNF/GDNF and FGF2/EGF, have been bundled along with our BDNF and GDNF DISC devices. These bundles can be found on our website here.

Year Ahead

StemCultures plans to continue to innovate and support researchers around the world. To do this, we plan to expand our current offerings to include even more growth factors in StemBead and DISC formats. In addition to bringing current StemBeads growth factors to the DISC platform, StemCultures is actively investigating Sonic Hedgehog protein (SHH), Interleukin-34 (IL34), Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 (FGF8), Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFa), Neurotrophin-3 (NT3), beta Nerve Growth Factor (bNGF), and Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1). We welcome any suggestions for future growth factors and for any interest in potentially helping test and bring these products to the public. Reach out to us over email or at our website to learn more.

Happy new year and enjoy the new products!

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