Growth Factor Spotlight: BDNF and GDNF

growth factor | Stained cells after growth with BDNF and GDNF StemBeads

Labs around the world need to use the right growth factor to ensure the best possible results for their experiments. Two of these growth factors, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF), are commonly used when differentiating cells into neurons. This makes BDNF and GDNF extremely helpful for neural and cerebral-focused research. Maintaining and growing cells using these growth factors is highly dependent on timing and consistency, resulting in few days off and low room for error.

StemCultures, a biotechnology company based in Rensselaer, New York, has been successful in developing controlled-release beads for a range of growth factors, including BDNF and GDNF. Here are some takeaways from StemCulture’s work on their BDNF and GDNF products.

Growth Factor Comparisons: BDNF vs. GDNF


Brain-derived neurotrophic factor has been shown to promote neuronal survival, axon elongation, axon branching, dendritic spine formation, and plasticity [1]. Being a growth factor, it helps differentiate and promote this specialized expression, enabling study on these factors. In addition, it has been shown to activate several pathways, including MAPK and phospholipase Cy [2]. These pathways have been found to regulate transcription required for neuronal survival.


Glial-derived neurotrophic factor enhances axon elongation and branching, but mostly in dorsal root ganglions [3]. While this is similar to BDNF, GDNF encourages the survival of specific types of neurons. With GDNF, dopaminergic, motor, and cortical GABAergic neuron survival increased significantly [4,5,6]. The specificity of GDNF makes it extremely useful when conducting research in these areas. Additionally, GDNF activates pathways that encourage cell proliferation. These pathways include MAPK, phosphoinositositide-3-kinase, ERK, and ATK [7].

When comparing the two, the differences and similarities are clear. Each growth factor focuses on neuronal regulation and proliferation. They activate pathways such as MAPK and enhance axon elongation and branching. BDNF and GDNF are often used to maintain high-quality progeny after differentiation as well. These growth factors are also used to maintain 3D neuronal organoids and significantly drive organoid patterning. However, GDNF can be more specific when it comes to types of neurons. BDNF serves a broader spectrum of pathways and promotes a wider range of characteristics. Although these growth factors can be useful individually, their combined breadth and depth is even more advantageous for a wide range of applications.

StemBeads and DISCs

StemCultures strives to make differentiating stem cells easier. The company’s products enable researchers and scientists to provide growth factors for their cells at a controlled rate over time. This eliminates the need for going in to feed the cells as often. This gives weekends and holidays back to the lab personnel. BDNF and GDNF are two of the many growth factors to which StemCultures has successfully applied this methodology. BDNF and GDNF StemBeads are easy to use products that cut down on the time and energy needed to successfully differentiate and maintain cells. Additionally, due to their structure, the release rate and concentration are linearly scalable and able to fit the specific design of the experiment.

Other StemCultures products, such as the DISC devices and other growth factors, also help make working with stem cells easier. StemBeads are limited in their extended uses, such as with organoids. The DISC devices do not interact or interfere with the organoids, making them more ideal. BDNF and GDNF DISCs are currently in development. Contact StemCultures if you would like to be a beta tester.

Further Growth Factor Reading

StemCultures Work

StemCultures prides itself on the transparency and ease of access of its data. Beyond frequently asked questions about their products, StemCultures also provides product information sheets for both BDNF and GDNF. These sheets include product specifics and instructions for the StemBeads. They also include the data and images showing the efficacy of these controlled release beads. StemCultures additionally aims to educate the community through its blog, such as this recent post on what growth factors to use in cell cultures. StemCultures products can be found on their website, including the BDNF and GDNF StemBeads. NeuraCell and the Neural Stem Cell Institute also collaborated on the research and development of these products. StemCultures would like to acknowledge and thank them for their dedication.

Established work


This paper focuses on the development of structural neuronal connectivity. It examines the role BDNF plays in the formation of synaptic connections. Cohen-Cory and others on the team compiled the existing research. They then continued to look at mechanisms and pathways that BDNF plays a role in during the development of neurons and neural circuits.


This paper examined the effects of a lack of BDNF, caused in this case by major depressive disorder. It found the reduced expression of BDNF significantly impacts neurons and their connections. The lack of BDNF resulted in smaller cells as well as less developed glia and pyramidal neurons. The signaling pathways involved were found to include MAPK and phospholipase Cy.


This paper tested the abilities and effects of GDNF. It showed that GDNF increased survivability and differentiation. Additionally, GDNF was shown to be different from other related growth factors, such as CNTF and TGF. Finally, the paper examined the specific impacts of GDNF, which most significantly effected the dorsal root ganglion.


This paper focused on the impact of GDNF on dopaminergic neurons. It showed that GDNF promoted the survival and differentiation of the neurons. It also increased their dopamine update. These results were extremely specific, as GDNF increased transmitted uptake instead of total neuron numbers.


This paper examined the impact of GDNF on motor neurons. GDNF was found to prevent atrophy of motoneurons in vitro and in vivo.


This paper conducted a study on the impact of GDNF on the differentiation and survival of GABAergic neurons. Via genetic manipulation, it found that GDNF regulates the main signaling pathway to differentiate and migrate the cells. Additionally, the lack of GDNF resulted in significantly reduced neuron counts.


This paper also examined the impacts of GDNF on motor neurons, but focused on the signaling pathways involved. It also compared the effects of GDNF to other growth factors, mainly in the TGF family. GDNF was found to regulate a number of signaling pathways that focused on neuron-neuron and neuron-target interaction development and promotion.

Note: Opinions and accounts expressed herein are those of the author(s) or interviewee(s). They may not reflect those of StemCultures, its officers, or directors.